Lose your Weight Safely and Effectively

Lose your Weight Safely and Effectively

What would you think if I told you that I could demonstrate an effective weight loss technique that could help you begin to lose weight and achieve your goals? Are you interested in learning the secret that so many celebrities have been using and the Hollywood industry has kept hidden for years? Are you one of the millions fed up with failing diets and routines that never seem to get you to your weight loss goals? Are you still wondering How to Lose Weight Quickly? I will share a secret with you that is really not known by many.

Do you really understand why the vast majority of dieting programs can’t work?
Most of these try to push and pull your body in different directions. Consider what happens if you try to push and pull a cart simultaneously? Nothing happens at all. This is because opposing forces in opposite directions essentially cancel one another out. While this example may sound quite silly, it is actually an illustration of what most diet programs try to do to your body, pushing and pulling in different directions, causing failure. If you wish to loose weight effectively, there are two things you must bear in mind:

1. Reduce you daily caloric intake.

2. Eliminate your body’s existing fat.

However, this is far easier said than done, especially as these two maxims work against on

e another. If you try to reduce your daily calories, you body responds by burning less fat. This is unfortunately how the body functions. This is a survival mechanism used to cope with circumstances beyond our control, such as famine.

While most programs help you reduce your daily calories to an acceptable level, they usually fail to address the problem of burning your fat reserves.

When you elect to begin a diet, your body will react accordingly and begin to reduce your metabolic rate, which is responsible for helping you burn fat.

Therefore, you must use a program that not only manages your daily caloric intake, but also addresses your metabolism and helps increase it. However, this does not occur naturally. Furthermore, adding extra exercise to your fitness routine will not solve the problem.

So, what secret can help your body overcome this dilemma? You will need to trick your body into believing that you are eating more than you actually are. This is what helps the Hollywood elite shed off those extra pounds, keeping their bodies slim and sleek for their upcoming events.This is actually the only answer to “how to Lose Weight Quickly?”

How can you trick your body into thinking this way? Unfortunately, if you eat more, you will put on weight, but conversely, if you eat less, your body’s metabolic rate slows. The secret technique to effective weight loss is referred to as “Calorie Shifting”. By using this special technique, you can reduce your daily caloric intake and increase your body’s metabolic rate, burning more fat quickly.

All the food you eat is a source of energy and can fatten you, but some foodstuffs are more fattening than others. For instance, fats are more fattening than both carbohydrates and proteins. Calories are a simple way to measure, how much energy and how much fattening potential your foods contain. Foodstuffs differ in their caloric content because of two reasons: Firstly they contain varying amounts of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and secondly, they contain different amounts of water, an ingredient which truly has zero calories. Similarly the energy you spend when working or exercising can be measured in calories. So the simple basis of a “calorie control” diet would be to limit your calorie intake, while making you use up the usual or more number of calories. Your body will then have to draw upon the fat stores to fill the energy gap and you would begin to lose weight.


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