7 Secrets of successful salespeople

7 Secrets of successful salespeople

Learn the best kept secrets and how to break the barrier of sales resistance

Secret 1: The ability to sell is something that is acquired and not innate talent. Work hard, develop the ability and will be one of the best.

Secret 2: Knowledge. You must know everything about your product, your customers, your competition and your industry. Must be an expert on these topics.

Secret 3: The magic word: listen. Ask questions. Please speak to your client to know what is important to him and what he cares about. Determine your needs and motivations before starting your presentation.

Secret 4: People do not buy products, purchase benefits. Not selectively focus on you, the product and its features. Focalicese on the client and their needs.

Secret 5: Put yourself in the shoes of the customer. Analyzed from the point of view of the customer and translate your product features into benefits for the customer.

Secret 6: The price is not an obstacle. The amateur salesperson focuses only on lowering the price enough to get the customer to buy him. But the professional marketer builds value. When the perceived value exceeds the price, you get the sale.

Secret 7: Do not sell to everyone. People hate to sell him. But on the other hand, people love to buy. Get help selling your customer to buy from the way he likes to buy.


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