Weight Loss Diet in 12 days

Weight Loss Diet in 12 days

Many people have
trouble losing weight really, its short and specific basis of this diet is very strict, only grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes.

Also added the plan “Maximum Weight Loss” button below, is for those with persistent weight problems do not respond to the diet of 12 days and severely limits the consumption of grain products, other than cooked whole, even eliminates the bread made from whole wheat.

That should not eat:

Milk (for cereal or cooking)
Milk (as drink)
Fresh cheese
Sour cream
Ice Cream
Eggs (Cooking)
Eggs (to eat)
Red meat, white meat, fish
Vegetable oils (for pans)
Vegetable oils (recipes)
White rice (polished)
White flour (refined)
Refined grains and sugar-coated
Coffee, decaffeinated coffee and black teas
Sodas of glue and no glue

Not permitted in the diet of 12 days but occasionally allowed after

Plant foods high in fat (rich in natural vegetable oils) can be used occasionally and / or in small quantities after completing the diet of the twelve days and have recovered their health and appearance.

Derived from soy (tofu, soy milk-fat)
Nuts and nut butters


Foods to eat

All whole grains and whole grain cereals such as rice, corn, oats, barley, millet and wheat sprouts; many packaged grains, cereal grains and other nutritious inflated.

Squashes such as buttercup, pumpkin and zucchini.

Root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams.

Legumes such as peas, peas, black peas, beans and other beans such as chickpeas, lentils and adzuki, mayo, pinto and black.

Green and yellow vegetables such as broccoli, kale, mustard sprouts, chard, cabbage, various kinds of lettuce and watercress, celery, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus and tomato.

Fruits such as apples, bananas, blackberries, grapefruit, oranges, peaches and pears. (Limited to two servings per day.)

For most people, simple sugars, salt and spices should be used in the table and in cooking.

Avoid the following:

All meat, including beef, pork and lamb. All are rich in fat, cholesterol and other harmful components.

All white meat and fish. The white meat has the same amount of cholesterol as red meat, while fish varies depending on type. Some fish are higher in cholesterol than red meat, others are lower.

All dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese. They are loaded with fat and cholesterol. Not recommended low-fat dairy products for their potential health risks, including allergies, childhood diabetes, arthritis, and lactose intolerance.

All oils, including olive, sunflower, peanut and corn. The oil is simply a liquid form of fat.

All eggs. Eggs are high in fat and cholesterol.

Nuts, seeds, avocados, olives and soy products (including tofu, tofu and soy milk). Soy products are high in fat, unless they have been previously processed (also not recommended low-fat varieties).

All dried fruits and fruit juices.

All flour products such as breads, bagels and pretzels. The less processed a food is better for weight loss. The flour products are composed of fragments of grain, or relatively small particles, which increase their absorption and slow weight loss.


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